I remember as a kid when I was learning to water ski. One day I finished a session, came ashore, and proudly announced to someone that I had not fallen down even once. I don’t remember who heard me, but he replied, “Then you’re not skiing hard enough!” Young as I was, I instantly recognized the wisdom in what he said.
Much of the idea behind any sort of sport, or anything at all for that matter, is to improve your skill level. And we never improve by playing it safe. We improve by pushing our limits and comfort zones. If we never fall down in the course of our activities, then likely we are not taking enough risk that leads to greater success.
This is particularly true of ministry, which is why our camp meeting theme this year is "Answering the Call.” God’s call on our lives to get out there and share the good news of the gospel is no time for playing it safe. It’s a time for taking risks for Jesus. Sure, in our efforts to answer His call we might make a mistake and fall down, so to speak, but at least we will know that we are not playing it safe like the one-talent guy in Jesus’ parable. But as that story illustrates, when we take risks for God, He blesses us and we may not fall down even though we thought we would. And that is when we begin to realize that we can trust Him even further than we thought we could.
So answer the call! Take some risks in doing what Jesus commanded us to do, and just see if He doesn’t come through and hold you up!
Jeff Scoggins

Plenary Session Presenters
JUNE 2025

Ty Gibson
Friday & Sabbath
Ty is the Speaker/Director for Light Bearers. A passionate communicator with a message that opens minds and moves hearts, Ty teaches on a variety of topics, emphasizing God’s unfailing love as the central theme of the Bible. He has authored eight best-selling books. Ty and his wife Sue have three adult children and two grandsons.
Eli Rojas
Breakout Session
Bio coming soon

JUNE 2025

JUNE 2025
Gary Thurber
Breakout Session
Bio coming soon
Jared Little
Afternoon Plenarie
Bio coming soon

JUNE 2025
JUNE 2025

Joel Kratzke
Afternoon Plenarie
Bio coming soon

The Venue
700 Main Street North
Hutchinson, MN 55350
Maplewood Academy is a private Christian boarding high school located in Hutchinson, MN. It is a part of the Seventh-day Adventist education system, which is the world's second largest Christian school system. It is owned and operated by the Minnesota Conference of Seventh-day Adventists and is the location for our annual Camp Meeting.